Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What I'm Thankful For

Give thanks to the Lord because He is good. His faithful love continues forever.
-Psalm 118:1

I'm thankful that I caught Caleb with the scissors before he started cutting his hair.

I'm thankful that I caught Caleb with the scissors before he started cutting Grace's hair. ("But you only said I couldn't cut my hair!")

I'm thankful that our adult friend who was lectured by Grace for not dressing modestly has a good sense of humor.

And I am thankful that Joshua has finally begun saying "mama." (But I must tell you that sometimes, sometimes I kind of wish he had learned "dada" first. I mean it's sweet and all, but in the wee hours of the morning when he pops out of bed and bellows, "Mama!" forcefully down the hallway, I think, Why couldn't it be Dada?)

1 comment:

Vik said...

I'm so glad you found a few things to be thankful about today! And you must have caught our sickness from our skype convo with phil and the kids the other day - we missed your 5 second cameo!