Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Very Very First Thanksgiving

Our Grateful Tree

Since we are studying ancient history this year, I was having a little trouble trying to figure out how to fit the pilgrims in.

Many have suggested that the Pilgrims got the idea for Thanksgiving from the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles. Since that seemed to fit in with our survey of the Old Testament, we built a Sukkot in our backyard.

(With apologies to serious Jews who actually know what this is supposed to look like.)

It was fun to learn about the traditions of this feast of giving thanks, what they represented, and how Jesus was the fulfillment of each tradition.

My kids know exactly how many days there are until Christmas and have already compiled numerous wish lists for gifts, but I wanted to make sure we took time be thankful and count our blessings too.

The other night as my big kids were getting ready to brush their teeth, I heard them doing just that.

"You know, we really are blessed. We have our nice beds..."

"...Oh and we can be thankful for our mom and dad."

"Yeah, and these cool toothbrushes"

"Oh yeah, I am really thankful for my toothbrush."

As a parent, it is so nice to know that my kids are thankful for me and that they give their mother a place of honor in their hearts.

Right up there with the Batman toothbrush.

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